Thursday, May 19, 2011

Me Again.,,

SO many stories to say, but cannot start to have one. How to start with is my dilemma. I love to write but I know that I don't have talent, not even a blood of a poet runs thru my veins.  Only my ancestor will say so (lola lolo are you one?). At any point, it satisfies me doing this, some sort of an outlet should I say.

So many things in mind, feelings to share, emotions to unveil, anger to let go. But most of the time, I would love to write when I feel so low. During my down moments, my mind has so many things to say, but my mouth won't share.  No guitar to strum, hand cannot scribble a pen to do some homework. 

I have this feeling that I want to let go, it’s something that I kept for myself because I am not the person who does not let anyone knows how I really feel. Though my Mom says, my eyes speak the inner of my soul.  That made me realize that mother really feels what her child feels.  I miss my Mom though I am not so open with my feelings.  Her mere presence gives me some relief. I love you Mommy!

I only share my feelings with the One I trusted most and my kids.  They are the ones who use to see me cry.  My kids are the one who give me strength to fight life and to move on with all the trials that I have been through, and I am going through.  They made my life so complete.  They showed me love.  I can proudly say that they are growing up the way I wanted them to be because I prayed so hard for it.  When I am still young, watching parents taking care of their kids, I fear of how could I possibly raise my own. It is how to mold them to be a better person, to think critically of things around.  At their young age they were able to cope with the situation that I put them into.  They understand what we’ve been through.  Though I am far away, I am confident because of the guidance God is giving them, to whom I have entrusted their safety.   Life away from them is not that easy. Not a day passed without them in my mind.  I miss them so much they are the ones who can fill the emptiness I felt inside.

I am not a perfect mother, but I did my best to show them love they need,  I gave them life for them to enjoy.  I gave them freedom to say what they feel.  I let them think from what is right from wrong.  I can never do this alone without the guidance of the Most High.  I teach them how to use the “Direct Line” the line to whom they can trust, the line where they can find the strength for their day-to-day life, the line that can never be cut by anyone.

I did not push them to have a regular chat with me because I understand how difficult it will be for them to hear my voice, to see me on webcam.  I will only make their lives miserable.  They grew up with me always at their side.  They are happy simply knowing I am around.  They will just sleep beside me or wait till I wake up and have some giggles and fun. Now in a few days or so, I will be able to hug and kiss them again. I miss my kids so much! I love you more than you ever know.

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